Spiritual Honesty

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by Pastor Ryan

Acts 5:4b “Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to man but to God.”

These words were spoken to a man named Ananias by Peter. Ananias, along with his wife, had sold a piece of property they owned and gave the money to the Apostles. However, they lied about the amount for which it sold and chose to keep a portion back in secret. God revealed this to Peter who called them out on it. The saddest part of this story is that Ananias and his wife were struck dead by the Lord for this sinful act.  I encourage you to read the whole story in Acts 5:1-11.

This may seem like a morbid story to share for a daily devotion, but the lesson here is monumental. The sin committed wasn’t the amount given, but rather how they went about it. Ananias and Sapphira lied to God. Most of us would say there is no way we would ever lie to God. However, sometimes I find myself being less than honest with Him. I don't feel like I'm committing any huge sin.  But sometimes I find myself harboring bad attitudes. Sometimes I'm tempted to worry and doubt God. In those moments, the problem isn't that I'm tempted but that I don't like admitting those temptations to God.  I'm being less than honest.

When we come to God in prayer, we need a spiritual honesty. We could never be saved if we didn’t admit that we were sinners in need of God’s forgiveness. In that same way, we cannot grow spiritually without first being honest before God.

If you do not get honest before God, you will never grow or change from where you are to who God wants you to be!

In the case of this passage of scripture, it was a pretty extreme condition, and we saw immediate judgement. God may not strike us dead instantly, but there is a chilling reality here. If we allow any form of spiritual dishonesty, it will ultimately lead to death. The longer we go, the worse it will become. We really can’t lie to God because He knows everything. Even though He knows everything He wants us to openly and honestly confess our needs, struggles, desires and sins to Him. 1 John 1:9 says that if we "confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins."

During a month devoted to prayer and fasting, I want to experience more spiritual honesty. It may be little things like a bad attitude or discontentment. Whatever the case may be, I want spiritual honesty so God can help me to grow and mature.

Passage Reading Guide: Acts 5 & Psalm 150