Don & Cheri Floyd


Cheri Floyd hails from CFW. Growing up as Cheri Bridges, she attended countless missions services at churches and camps. She also sat with her father often, watching television programs on different cultures throughout the world. The Lord then placed in her heart a love for other cultures and a desire to share the Gospel with people abroad.

It was on a missions trip to Papua New Guinea that she met a young man named Don Floyd, who also had a passion for missions. The Lord brought them together and led them to become missionaries in Papua New Guinea, where they are still serving and loving the PNG people. They have three sons – Stephen, William, and Jonathan (AKA Jono).


Robin Crowell


As a physician assistant student, Robin completed her final clinical rotation at the Zimba Mission Hospital in Zambia, Africa. She daily felt God’s presence, and this experience changed her life. “I was in tears the day I left Zimba,” Robin stated. “I left my heart there.

I need to return. God was stirring something amazing in my heart that I had never considered before—becoming a full-time missionary.”

As a result of God’s call on Robin’s life, Global Partners appointed her to long-term missionary service in Zambia, and she returned to the Zimba Mission Hospital. It is her desire that the people of Zimba would have a greater appreciation for their health. She prays for God’s help to teach the wonderful people of Zambia about their health—to better care for the bodies that God entrusted to them.