The Lost Practice of Self-Denial


By David Speas

Self-denial isn’t something we Americans like. If we’re bored, there's Netflix. If we’re hungry, there’s fast-food. If we want a new car, dealerships are happy to oblige. Need a new phone? Cell carriers are more than willing to set one up on payments. Amazon offers “free” two-day shipping to all its subscribers. If we’re lonely, there’s Facebook. If we’re uninformed, there’s Google. If we’re anxious, there’s the news (which, ironically, usually has the opposite effect).

But have you ever wondered what all this does to a person's spirit?

Unfortunately, it tends to teach us that life should come easy; that we shouldn't have to wait or work for meaningful things. That, if it can't be finished in 15 minutes and with minimal effort, it's probably not worth doing. It teaches us not to deny ourselves.

While we might wish otherwise, there’s no such thing as a "Microwave Christianity". You can’t indulge your way into sainthood or spend yourself into holiness. Like most meaningful pursuits, Christianity takes work.

It means saying, “No,” to some things we would like while saying, “Yes,” to some things we wouldn't. It’s about doing what’s right instead of what’s pleasurable. And that’s not easy. Especially when, with a click of a mouse or a swipe of a card, we could satisfy our temporary cravings.

That’s why fasting is so important for the Christian. It’s a season of saying, “No,” to ourselves so that we might gain the power to say, “Yes,” to God.

Don’t get me wrong, I like a good Wendy’s “Four-for-Four” as much as the next guy. I like watching football in the fall and checking my Facebook page while waiting at the doctor's office. But if I never learn to say, "No," to these things, soon they will control me. And I don't want to be controlled by earthly things but by God's Spirit in me.

That’s why REVIVE 2021 is so important. It’s a season of learning to say, "No," to our physical appetites so that we might better say, "Yes," to God. It's seeking the things of heaven above the things of earth. It's a season of telling God that He's more important than anything this world could ever offer.

It is our prayer that REVIVE 2021 is more than a blip on the radar or a bump in the road. If this is merely about punching a time-card or ticking a spiritual checklist, don't expect a lot from this experience. If, however, you are willing seek God above all else—to practice self-denial in order to draw close to Him—then we know He will be found.

I want to leave you with one verse. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart." May that be the testimony of us all.

In addition to daily devotionals, we will also be sending out a Bible reading plan. If you want to follow along, you can do by reading John 1 & Psalm 8.